
BSidesSF is a non-profit organization designed to advance the body of Information Security knowledge, by providing an annual, open forum for discussion and debate for security practitioners. We produce a conference that is a source of education, collaboration, and continued conversation for information technologists. The technical and academic presentations at BSidesSF are given in the spirit of peer review and advanced knowledge dissemination. This allows the field of Information Security to grow in breadth and depth, and continue in its pursuit of highly advanced, scientifically based knowledge.

We are a practitioner focused event that attracts a wide range of attendees ranging from engineers & security leaders to executive decision makers. This is a great opportunity for you to showcase your work and share your ideas with industry peers. Bonus points if you can tie your presentation to this year’s conference theme: You can't spell dystopia without AI.

The BSides community has continuously raised the bar and put the info back in infosec. We thank each and every member/participant/organizer of this community for their hard work, sweat, and relentless pursuit of making high quality content accessible. We celebrate diverse approaches and points of view and believe that our commitment to diversity fosters innovation. BSidesSF is continuing to build upon a culture that drives our community to include a wide range of thoughts and ideas.

When / Where

BSidesSF will take place in San Francisco from May 4-5, 2024.

Note: We DO NOT provide speaker or travel stipends at this time (except on a case-by-case basis with villages). We also DO NOT accept vendor pitches of any sort in our conference program. Thank you for your understanding.

Session Types

  • Informational Track
    • Presentation, General - 30m regular presentation format
    • Presentation, Deep Dive - 45m extended presentation format
    • Panels - 45m with 1 facilitator + 3-4 expert panelists
  • Collaborative Track
    • Workshops - 120m collaborative / interactive session with attendees
    • Villages - all-day dedicated spaces on a specific topic, often with various hands-on activities
    • Birds of a Feather (NEW!) - 45m, very informal gatherings of persons interested in a particular topic led by 1 facilitator

Session Topics / Themes

  • Security Leadership and Culture
  • Security at Scale
  • Protective and Corrective Security Controls
  • Usable Privacy and Security
  • Privacy and Governance
  • Detection and Response

Call for Participation is closed! Thanks to all who submitted.

We received a total of 334 reviewable submissions (up 59.8% from 209 in 2023), but could only accept 60. This means we had an unusually low acceptance rate of 17.9% (compared to 28.7% in 2023). We will be reviewing ways to improve the CFP process and acceptance rate for 2025+. Stay tuned!


E-mail program [at] bsidessf.org.

You can also ping @program-ops in #2024-cfp-helpdesk on the BSidesSF Slack (Click here for an invite to the Slack).