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Learning to say ‘no’ and other tales from a tech turned librarian
13/06/2024 , Charleswood B
Langue: English

The point where data and health libraries intersect is constantly evolving, and entwined with it is the future of those of us who act as it’s caretaker. In this invited talk, the presenter will discuss their experience over the last four years of taking on a newly created role at a new (to them) university as a single point of service for GIS & Data Visualization support and how they got there. Focus will be placed on development work, research, instruction, service, early career librarianship, and the importance of community.

Meg Miller is the GIS & Data Visualization Librarian at the University of Manitoba. In her past life she worked as a cartographer and GIS analyst and brings this applied lens to her role. She currently serves as the editor in chief The Bulletin- the open journal for the Association of Canadian Map Libraries and Archives (ACMLA) and is president elect of WAML (Western Association of Map Libraries).