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Information literacy research during the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic literature review and bibliometric analysis
13/06/2024 , Charleswood A
Langue: English

The study aims to examine the literature on information Literacy (IL) published during the COVID-19 pandemic over the last four years, focusing on research productivity and its research impact. It also highlights the major themes and emerging trends in IL research.
Specifically, it shall answer the following questions:
Q1: What is the state of research on information literacy in terms of research productivity (i.e. leading countries, authors, and sources) and research impact (i.e., citation counts) during the COVID-19 pandemic?
Q2: What structure can be derived in terms of networks of co-citation, keywords co-occurrence, and co-authorship?
Q3: What are the prevailing themes about information literacy that are being researched during the pandemic?

Design, methodology, and approach:
Systematic literature review and bibliometric analysis were employed. Scopus database was used as the primary source of bibliographic data.

Anticipated findings point towards the results of the synthesis of relevant literature review on information literacy research and map out research and future directions.

This study is an attempt to add to the body of bibliometric studies on information literacy intended for instructors and librarians to understand IL in depth.

Efren M. Torres, Jr., is an academic librarian at De La Salle University in Manila, Philippines. He has vast experience in managing academic projects and library leadership as the former Special Assistant to the Vice Chancellor of Academics and Director of the Romeo P. Ariniego, MD, AFSC Library in De La Salle Medical and Health Sciences Institute. His research interests include library management, collection assessment, and technological and spatial developments in libraries. Efren earned his degrees in Bachelor and Master of Library and Information Science from the School of Library and Information Studies, University of the Philippines.