Metamorphose, Transform, Transmute! Feel that change occurring
01-12, 10:15–11:15 (US/Eastern), Mainsail Main / Vending Room

Hypnosis offers a lot of opportunities to bend thinking, personality, and behaviors, but have you ever done all of them at the same time? Call it possession or just transforming who you are but in either case it can give you an opportunity to experience a different version of you.

Using altered mental states via suggestion you can create a scene that can be exciting and very erotic just by setting up the right dominoes to knock down. What if you wanted to go through the transformation from human to something else and experience it while it occurs. Whether that be being turned into your new demon form, being the subject of a mad scientist’s experimentation in genetic alteration, or the result of a magical spell gone awry, there’s an opportunity to go through the transformation as part of a scene and find yourself enjoying the entire experience.

We’re going to talk about the combination of techniques you can use to set suggestions, utilize props and physical implements, and body sensations to set a transformation scene that is a journey rather than just a quick stop.

Puppet is a kinkster, author, and geek who lives in the twin cities with her cat, chosen family, and a collection of tiny giant robots. A queer trans woman, she lives with physical and mental diagnoses that include Rheumatoid Arthritis, Complex PTSD, and depression. After leading an uncon discussion of disabilities and accessibility needs in kink spaces in 2019, she has been leading classes and workshops online and at several conventions to help spread awareness and share ideas.

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