This One Time, at Fractionation Camp...
01-12, 10:15–11:15 (US/Eastern), Windward Room

Ever been fractionated? Never been fractionated? Visit this round table discussion where attendees can share their experiences with fractionation, because if you can't set a good example, it's good to be a terrible warning. (Just kidding, but not really!)

This loosely-moderated round table discussion will explore the the positives and perils of fractionation for attendees of all levels of experience. While this is meant to be a lighthearted conversation, it is possible that negative or triggering experiences might be mentioned, so attendees should be aware of that possibility when deciding to attend this class.

EnScenic aka Noelle has been kicking around the event-attending hypnosis community since 2013, which somehow means it's been ten years! She started out as a dabbler who wrote erotic hypnosis fiction, and somehow turned into a musical sadist who is crazed with power bwa ha ha ha ha!!!! Not really. Unless you attend one of my music classes. And even then, still not really. Unless you like that sort of thing. And then even still not really.
Also knows stuff, and answers questions as a member of the Charmed! Concom.

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