Srs Hypnosis for Srs Hypnokinksters (or: The Power of Hypnotic Silliness)
01-13, 15:15–16:45 (US/Eastern), Mainsail Main / Vending Room

Shh, don’t tell anyone, but we have a secret: a lot of hypnokinksters are, in fact, very silly. You might not know this, because a lot of hypnokink media/fantasies are Very Serious. Well, good news: there’s another way! Your hypnosis doesn’t have to be Very Serious—in fact, some of the best scenes happen when you accept the nonsense, or even embrace it!

This class discusses the intersection of hypnosis and silliness: how to run with it when your scene turns ridiculous, how to embrace the unexpected to build your hypnotic skills, and how to make the mundane a LOT more interesting.

Dial 1-800 HYP-GOOF and we’ll throw in this set of spiral glasses absolutely FREE with pledge of your free will.

SexObsessedLesbian is a kinkster, kink educator, and content creator based in the Eastern US; she has been doing hypnosis since just after college, nerding out about sex since high school, and making bad puns since approximately forever. Hypnosis turned her on before she even knew what it meant to get turned on, and the wonderful world of Tumblr taught her that it was an actual thing. Since then, she’s been romping around the countryside thinking and talking about consent, creativity, and ways to do silly and sexy things with people’s brains.

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Tennfan (he/him, cis, grey-ace/demi) likes hypnosis. A lot. A lifelong hypnosis geek, he enjoys life on both sides of the pocketwatch, though he leans a little more to the subject side these days. He loves helping folks who are new to hypnosis and hypnokink learn what works for them, and is an enthusiastic practice subject. He co-organizes the Baltimore Hypnosis Skillshare and has taught classes and led events at Charmed, Beguiled (and its many predecessor cons) and NEEHU since 2015. He makes hypnosis recordings now and then, which can be found at as well as on YouTube and his tumblr: He is, as of this writing, also still on Twitter: @TennfanHypno.

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