Amnesia? I totally forgot we were teaching that!
01-13, 14:00–15:00 (US/Eastern), Coastal West (hybrid classes)

Jester and Shayna Maedela introduce, explain, and demonstrate different techniques for hypnotic amnesia beyond simple direct suggestion. We'll be breaking down applications of Ericksonian theory for indirect suggestions, and discuss some of the advantages of using hypnotic amnesia in empowering trance and post-hypnotic suggestions.

Contents of this class discuss the entire range of amnesia play and its fun possibilities. From simple beginner applications, to edge play up to and including gaslighting in controlled contexts.

Safety will be a primary concern and a running theme / consideration throughout the presentation.

A storyteller, adventurer, and purveyor of unique moments, Shayna has been practicing kink for over a decade. Despite having started with rope and sadism, Shayna found whole universes of possibility open to her when she was introduced to hypnosis about two years ago, and has been an avid participant on both sides of the pocketwatch ever since.

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Jester has practiced hypnosis on and off for a decade. At the heart of their hypnosis is an empathy for subjects like her, who struggle with trance and having suggestions stick. A combination of style, technique, philosophy, and experience are their tools in overcoming persistent barriers a subject has.

All subjects are deserving of the chance to explore all that hypnosis can offer. Subjects who are analytical, hyperactive, or have restrictions like aphantasia can feel frustrated and alone with their experience. But take her hand, and Jester will show you a magical world you never thought possible.

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