Fighting Frenzy
01-13, 17:00–18:00 (US/Eastern), Mainsail Main / Vending Room

Many people, when they first encounter their kinks, get excited and want to rush and do everything at once. However, acting on these impulses can lead to regret. As one who embarrassed themself with frenzy behavior during the pandemic, and who has encountered a few frenzied subs seeking play, Dragonfly will share what they've learned the hard way, so new kinksters can learn from their mistakes.

Dragonfly, or Annalise de Fere, has been playing with self-hypnosis since 2006, and trancing with others since 2020. You can find their work on Read Only Mind. Give them half a chance, and they’ll talk your ear off about subject agency, consent, mutual responsibility, and the amazing diversity of minds waiting to be melted. They has been selling professional hypnodomme content and services as Dragontize since November 2022.

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A storyteller, adventurer, and purveyor of unique moments, Shayna has been practicing kink for over a decade. Despite having started with rope and sadism, Shayna found whole universes of possibility open to her when she was introduced to hypnosis about two years ago, and has been an avid participant on both sides of the pocketwatch ever since.

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