Charmed!'24 presents: HypnoCirque
01-13, 20:00–22:00 (US/Eastern), Coastal Main(hybrid classes)

Come one, come all!

This year, Charmed! ‘24 will present something never seen before at our humble Hypnosis Con! Faeryseelie is here to host the first ever variety show evening event entitled, “HypnoCirque”! A hypnotically centered show featuring your wonderful con members, here to perform (some under the mystical spell of hypnosis), for your entertainment! Watch as artists dance, mesmerize, and enthrall you with their fantastic feats of exciting showmanship! There will be burlesque, perhaps hypnotic Whose Line Is It Anyway... who knows what will happen in the mind's eye of “The HypnoCirque!”

There are some acts that will be interactive, so for consent purposes (and ease of access of information for our performers), all attendees of the show should pick up a glow stick bracelet that will represent your desire to potentially be interacted with during the show! If you do not have a bracelet, performers will not interact with you. Please do not physically interact with the performers, unless they explicitly ask to be interacted with. Your consent for interaction is not consent to touch the performers.

Green – Please pick me!

Red – I am happy to just watch, thank you!

We hope that you will take the time to observe the wonderful, fascinating things we have in store at the first ever Charmed! HypnoCirque... See you there!


My name is Faeryseelie, but you can call me Faeryss (ya know, like ferrous oxide)! I'm
25 years old, reside in CT, and have been practicing hypnosis for almost 7 years! I am the
main host of CT~Unmind, a growing hypnokink group in Southern CT. I am a hypno switch,
and enjoy practicing hypnosis in various ways! I'm a performer, singer, dancer, circus
artist, and absolute nerd! I enjoy being a silly (kinky) goose, kissing people, and talking about fun things
with lovely folx! My primary pronouns are They/Fae, and I do not take compliments well (but, if you wish to compliment me anyway, go for it!) I look forward to meeting many, many of you lovely

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