Speed Trance
01-12, 19:00–21:00 (US/Eastern), Mainsail East

At Speed Trance you'll be randomly paired with a new person every 6 minutes! You can talk classes, trade origin stories, or (if the vibe is right) negotiate and do a quick induction! Feel free to drop by for a round, or stay for the whole event. A great/low pressure way to meet new people!

Tennfan (he/him, cis, grey-ace/demi) likes hypnosis. A lot. A lifelong hypnosis geek, he enjoys life on both sides of the pocketwatch, though he leans a little more to the subject side these days. He loves helping folks who are new to hypnosis and hypnokink learn what works for them, and is an enthusiastic practice subject. He co-organizes the Baltimore Hypnosis Skillshare and has taught classes and led events at Charmed, Beguiled (and its many predecessor cons) and NEEHU since 2015. He makes hypnosis recordings now and then, which can be found at soundcloud.com/Tennfan as well as on YouTube and his tumblr: tennfan2.tumblr.com. He is, as of this writing, also still on Twitter: @TennfanHypno.

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bikinikelly (they/she) is a life-long hypnofetishist and enthusiastic kinkster. She loves spreading the good word of hypnosis to anyone who’ll listen. A lover of all things trance, she’s especially passionate about mindlessness, mantras, and amnesia play.