Speed Trance
01-13, 20:00–21:30 (US/Eastern), Coastal West (hybrid classes)

It can be tough to meet new people at a hypnosis conference. In this evening event, participants are matched up at random for 10-minute blocks, where you can talk about the con, do a quick trance, whatever suits your fancy. It's a perfect event for first-time con attendees, or experienced scene members looking to branch out.

LeeAllure (she/her/they) has been entrancing people with her silk-like voice for over a decade! She organizes NEST, the world's largest and longest running tickling convention, DeepMindDarkWood, a hypnosis retreat, and the London Hypnosis Workshops. She teaches hypnosis classes at various international hypnosis & BDSM events, and is the author of Hypnotic Amnesia, the Book You Remember on How to Forget, with D.J. Pynchon

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