Corruption: Play, Powerlessness, and Empowerment
01-14, 15:15–16:45 (US/Eastern), Mainsail East

What's that shameful thought that turns your cheeks crimson? That primal urge whispering in the back of your mind? That line that you cross, because surely just a little more couldn't hurt, right? Because why fight what you really want?

In this class, we will delve into the concept of corruption, both as a tool for short-term play, and a component of long-term dynamics. We'll be exploring how it might present itself, from demonic transformation and moral perversion, to purification and data corruption. Additionally, we'll be discussing a philosophy and practice of corruption as a means for self-empowerment, to help you be the liberated person you want to be.

Content warnings for this class: Religious themes, degradation and shame, discussion of sexual content. This class will include a voluntary group trance near the end, with no sexual or d/s-focused imagery in said trance.

Iridia has been a practicing member of the community since early 2018, and an enthusiastic hypnofetishist for far longer than that. To her, hypnosis is not simply a means to an end, but the end itself. What could be better than to fall, to make others fall? What could be more fun than to give and receive suggestion, feeling the change?

She is constantly enthralled by new ideas, and absolutely loses it every con at the opportunity to hear what others are playing with. In turn, she's found a passion in teaching her special interest, in sharing what she's learned over the years and seeing eyes light up with that evil glint.

Alongside of hypnosis, her passion is vested in storytelling, where she GMs far more TTRPG campaigns than she probably should, and writes sapphic vampire romance and mind-controlling plant smut.

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Hi there! I'm JZMN-27, but please call me Jasmine or Jazzy! I'm a 22 year-old transfeminine hypnosis subject and fledgling kink educator with a lot of passion and a fair bit of experience despite my newness to the scene. I'm really excited to attend Charmed for the first time, and I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone and sharing my passions with the community!

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