Disabilties-R-Us: Navigating disability in Hypnokink, and the community at large - Roundtable Discussion
01-13, 09:00–10:00 (US/Eastern), Zoom #4 (online)

Join chronically ill baddies MintyLuxxx (They/He/She) and Faeryseelie (Fae/They) as they host an online round-table conversation surrounding the general opinions, and practices around navigating various disabilities while participating in kink. This is a subject of discussion where there is not enough participation in coming up with workarounds and solutions that actively include the voices of those who are affected by their disabilities the most. More often than not, in an effort to be inclusive, sometimes the voices of those most affected is drowned out. In order to highlight these concerns, and come up with viable solutions - we must first come together and talk about it at all! Therefore, Fae and Minty have taken it upon themselves to start the conversation at large, starting with the hypnokink community!

All folx welcomed! Physically disabled, able bodied, invisibly disabled, or otherwise! This is a conversation, not a lecture. We can only further our goals as educated kinksters by talking to one another, meeting each other where we are at, and growing with one another. Please keep in mind, however, that this conversation is going to center the collective goals and opinions of the voices that are affected. Sometimes things might be said that make you uncomfortable. Know you are not required to stay, and are welcomed to leave at any point! Thank you, for taking care of you!

Additionally, if you are offended by a comment - before potentially saying something that might be considered disrespectful, consider where that discomfort is coming from, and perhaps ask a clarifying question - or speak to other members of your community for more insight. Members of the affected community are not required to do any emotional labour for you. If you cannot find someone local to talk to about it, google is a great way to start! (genuine)

Thank you for joining us, we hope you have a good time chatting and learning with us!


~Faeryss and Minty~


My name is Faeryseelie, but you can call me Faeryss (ya know, like ferrous oxide)! I'm
25 years old, reside in CT, and have been practicing hypnosis for almost 7 years! I am the
main host of CT~Unmind, a growing hypnokink group in Southern CT. I am a hypno switch,
and enjoy practicing hypnosis in various ways! I'm a performer, singer, dancer, circus
artist, and absolute nerd! I enjoy being a silly (kinky) goose, kissing people, and talking about fun things
with lovely folx! My primary pronouns are They/Fae, and I do not take compliments well (but, if you wish to compliment me anyway, go for it!) I look forward to meeting many, many of you lovely

This speaker also appears in:

this biography is coming soon