Be the Hypnotee You Want to Be
01-12, 17:00–18:00 (US/Eastern), Mainsail Main / Vending Room

We talk a lot about what hypnotists need to know to be effective, but there's plenty that hypnotees can learn to improve their skills as well. Whether that's learning how to articulate what we want in play, for better negotiation, or how to define limits, or things hypnotees can learn to go into trance more effectively, there's lots of cool things to learn.

This class is designed with new hypnotees in mind, building off of a hypnosis 101 class.

Daja has been involved in the hypnokink community in multiple capacities for the last 13 years. She has taught at multiple erotic hypnosis conventions across the country and edited the educational resource book Mind Play (2017 and 2021 editions) by Wiseguy. She was also on the convention committee for the Chicago-area hypnokink con from 2014 through the end of the 2018 convention and has co-organized the Pittsburgh hypnokink group PHARMA since she moved to Pittsburgh in 2017.

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Tennfan (he/him, cis, grey-ace/demi) likes hypnosis. A lot. A lifelong hypnosis geek, he enjoys life on both sides of the pocketwatch, though he leans a little more to the subject side these days. He loves helping folks who are new to hypnosis and hypnokink learn what works for them, and is an enthusiastic practice subject. He co-organizes the Baltimore Hypnosis Skillshare and has taught classes and led events at Charmed, Beguiled (and its many predecessor cons) and NEEHU since 2015. He makes hypnosis recordings now and then, which can be found at as well as on YouTube and his tumblr: He is, as of this writing, also still on Twitter: @TennfanHypno.

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