Music & Hypnosis & Mind Control
01-11, 12:00–16:00 (US/Eastern), Mainsail Main / Vending Room

Have you ever experienced a siren's song? Have you ever wanted to be the siren? Music and mind control have been linked for thousands of years, but what does that look like outside of myth and legend? EnScenic aka Noelle and DJ Pynchon, along with demo bottoms AndSleep and LinnyBeeNaughty, will attempt to demonstrate how music and sound can be used to entrance, mesmerize, and control your play partner(s).
This 4 hour seminar will be roughly broken down as follows:
1 hour of technical theory - inductions, deepeners/awakeners, and various ways to use your voice to create/enhance an hypnotic state (includes demos.)
1 hour (combined) of meal/bathroom/rest breaks (if needed.)
2 hours of demonstrations of using music and sound triggers to achieve remarkable results! (Mix of familiar and brand new demos.)

EnScenic aka Noelle has been kicking around the event-attending hypnosis community since 2013, which somehow means it's been ten years! She started out as a dabbler who wrote erotic hypnosis fiction, and somehow turned into a musical sadist who is crazed with power bwa ha ha ha ha!!!! Not really. Unless you attend one of my music classes. And even then, still not really. Unless you like that sort of thing. And then even still not really.
Also knows stuff, and answers questions as a member of the Charmed! Concom.

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DJ Pynchon has been tip-toeing around the hypno scene for far-too-long. He co-wrote "Hypnotic Amnesia" (available at all finer online bookstores) with LeeAllure as well as "Kinky Trifles," a collection of his erotic short stories. He used to be on Twitter way too much, and can now be found flitting between Bluesky, Tumblr, and WordPress under the DJPynchon moniker. He just turned 51 and lives on the West Coast of the US.

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Andsleep has been an active hypno-scene-scenester since 2013, and has slept through many a con-hotel continental breakfast. He has been helping present and demo-bottom for music & hypnosis classes in various unofficial & official capacities since 2020 (or thereabouts). In his vanilla life he enjoys writing about himself in the third person.

Linny Bee is full of creativity and chaos. She loves learning new things and getting excited about the endless potential in the world of hypnosis.

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