Light Gloving Demonstrations
01-12, 21:00–22:00 (US/Eastern), Mainsail East

What is light gloving? Are they gloves that don't weigh much? Yes!

Though, more to the point, they also have colorful LED lights on each fingertip, so you can draw fascinating visual patterns in the air. They can be used for visual inductions and can be especially fun for those that like shiny and sparkly sights, along with intricate and even disorienting hand motions.

For this evening event, I will be available to explain how light gloves work, provide visual demonstrations, and potentially (with proper negotiation and consent) service top for light gloving inductions. I'm happy to talk and demo at length during the event, or attendees can just swing by for a quick demo. Looking forward to sharing the joy of light gloving with everyone that wants to check out this event!

Hello! NeptuneMoose, he/him, switch. I've been into hypno for almost 15 years and I've been in the live scene for nearly 5 years now. I'm excited to see some friends at Charmed this year and I'll also be offering up some light glove demos during the week. I hope everyone has an amazing time!