Littles, Middles, and Bigs Movie Night - Ghibli edition!
01-12, 21:00–23:00 (US/Eastern), Windward Room

Caregivers, Littles, Middles, and Bigs! Feeling droppy after all that adulting? Wanna come vibe while watching a Ghibli movie? Or maybe you're looking to give your well-loved squishmallow a new home, and just so happen to find a new squishy friend on the way!

Either way, Faeryseelie (Fae/They) and Finnair (He/It) are holding a comfy space for you! We are hosting a Ghibli viewing "slumber" party, including a projected viewing of the movie, as well as a free stuffy exchange! We accept all friends, and in the spirit of community, we will donate any friends who don't find a home by the end of the convention to Savers or Goodwill. In order to differentiate between friends who have a home, and friends who do not, we ask that you put a nametag on your friends if they belong solely to you.

There will also be a blanket and pillow cuddle puddle, so please feel free to bring your blankets and pillows and cuddle up! Glow bracelets upon entry will facilitate consent for cuddles. Please see the CW for glow bracelet consent meanings. Everyone must take a bracelet upon entering in order to make consent clear.

The movie will be decided by vote in server at the beginning of the event, and then the movie will run non-stop throughout the entire evening.

Note: If you don't fall into the category of Ageplayer, and still want to hangout, make a new stuffy friend, cuddle, or watch the movie - feel free to! We highly encourage people to use this space to decompress as necessary. Pets, Subs, Tops, Dom/mes, Toys, Dolls etc. welcomed! <3

Thank you for coming, and we can't wait to snuggle up and enjoy some small(and medium, and big) time! Bring those coloring books, and come have some cozy parallel decompression time!


Faeby Faeryss and Finni


My name is Faeryseelie, but you can call me Faeryss (ya know, like ferrous oxide)! I'm
25 years old, reside in CT, and have been practicing hypnosis for almost 7 years! I am the
main host of CT~Unmind, a growing hypnokink group in Southern CT. I am a hypno switch,
and enjoy practicing hypnosis in various ways! I'm a performer, singer, dancer, circus
artist, and absolute nerd! I enjoy being a silly (kinky) goose, kissing people, and talking about fun things
with lovely folx! My primary pronouns are They/Fae, and I do not take compliments well (but, if you wish to compliment me anyway, go for it!) I look forward to meeting many, many of you lovely

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