Boys Will Do Boys - Charmed Edition
01-12, 20:00–22:00 (US/Eastern), Coastal East (hybrid classes)

This is a meet and greet for men and for those who have lived experience as men. Come meet your fellow conference-goers! Hypnosis play is allowed, and conference consent rules will, of course, be in place. There will be no dress code for this event. If it's allowed by the conference, it's allowed by us.

Queer bondage performer/photographer and kink educator in the Pacific NW in the US. Erotic hypnokink freak. They/Them #postgender

Daniel has taught workshops at Charmed, Beguiled, Hypnocon, Pan Eros Foundation, Rope Burn, Can You Knot?, Seattle Leather Service Corps, Seattle Men in Leather, Dog House Leathers, NW Leathermen, Transform 1060 and Frolic. They also facilitate the bimonthly Hypnokink Enthusiasts Group and Men Tying Men Group, both in Seattle.

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