11-25, 14:15–14:45 (Pacific/Auckland), Ngaio Marsh Theatre
With Security people generally in short supply, how do you maximise the few people you have and make them a force multiplier in your organisation's security maturity journey?
Come and learn from my wins (and past failures) at building teams that might give you some new ideas to make your journey smoother, whether it be providing opportunities for people to widen their skills in a T shape (sometimes giving them a gentle nudge), changing public opinion of being the department of ‘no’ to supporting the business, and to just getting stuff done, inspiring employees to want to follow and be part of the team.
DJ (a.k.a. Moss) remains optimistic that he can make organisations great again (read: more
secure), however has seen his fair share of horror stories over his career. With risks being
blindly accepted and added to ever expanding registers, it wasn't long before he was in the
ambulance at the bottom of the cliff. Let his dulcet tones soothe you as you come for a ride
and learn how to be useful instead of just making nee-naw sounds when the worst occurs.