DJ (a.k.a. Moss) remains optimistic that he can make organisations great again (read: more secure), however has seen his fair share of horror stories over his career. With risks being blindly accepted and added to ever expanding registers, it wasn't long before he was in the ambulance at the bottom of the cliff. Let his dulcet tones soothe you as you come for a ride and learn how to be useful instead of just making nee-naw sounds when the worst occurs.
With Cybersecurity incidents becoming more prevalent across the globe, it is now a matter of when not if something will occur. Our training will help you understand the phases that are normally part of an incident and what role you would likely need to play according to your organisation's response plan (you know where yours is and test it regularly right?). Equip yourself with the knowledge you need to help reduce the impact of a cyberattack.