COSCUP x RubyConf TW 2021

你可以不用知道的 Angular,深入 DI 叢林
08-01, 11:45–12:15 (Asia/Taipei), TR212
Language: 漢語


Dependency Injection 在台灣常被譯作相依性注入,DI 用得好可以帶來鬆散耦合、可維護以及可測試的程式碼,總地來說,就是個好用的機制。
而如 Angular 這種超大型的前端框架,早早就將這種機制納入核心之中,開箱即可用!
此議程將會深入分析 Angular 原始碼內實作 DI 機制的部分,帶領聽眾進入「你不知道它怎麼運作也無所謂」的實作叢林,了解 Angular DI 機制的設計與巧思。

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Translate Title

TMI of Angular - Deep Dive into DI Jungle

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English Abstract

If you use dependency injection in a good way, it can make your source code decoupled, and become more maintainable and testable.
Angular, a huge frontend framework, has already implemented this mechanism in its core and the mechanism can be used out of the box!
In this section, I will show you how Angular implement its unique DI mechanism which is too much information to you because it won't bother your daily life :)

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