COSCUP x RubyConf TW 2021

以 LINE BOT 和爬蟲聊寫程式技巧中的「巧」
08-01, 15:10–15:50 (Asia/Taipei), TR214 - Ruby Conf
Language: 漢語

Translate Title

Talk the "tricks" of programming skill with the LINE Bot and the crawl

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接觸程式已經超過十年,每一次的在撰寫的時候都會思考「可以更好嗎?」前陣子因為需要快速知道最近有什麼電影可以看,因此用 Ruby 寫了一個很簡單的 LINE Bot 來輔助,而裡面運用了很多 Ruby 的語言特性。當我們掌握技巧中的「技能」部分就能夠順利寫出可以運作的程式,但是又該如何「巧妙」的應用語言的特性來實作,進而寫出讓人感到「原來可以這麼簡單」的程式。


English Abstract

When I write some code, I usually think about "can I do it better?" since my over 10 years of programming life. I use Ruby to write a simple LINE Bot with many Ruby language features to help me to find new movies as I need. Therefore I think about how can we use the "tricks" to let others feel the programming is very "simple" after we learned the programming skills.

Let me show the programming tricks to you, it is not easy for everyone and needs a lot of practice and programming language knowledge, but it is not the reason to stop us.