COSCUP x RubyConf TW 2021

Ubuntu!烏邦圖?水啦~Is it good to eat? 你用跨賣嘛~給新手看的 Ubuntu 簡介
年7月31日, 13:00–13:30 (Asia/Taipei), TR409-1
語言: 漢語




There are a lot of article for newbies said that: Install Ubuntu if you want to build web server, try about machine learning, understand containerize, or do something BIG... But wait, Do you know what is Ubuntu? How much do you understand about Ubuntu?
This is an simple introduction for newbie, to talk about what is Ubuntu, how Ubuntu born, and what can ubuntu to.

您是否知悉並同意如採遠端形式分享,需提供預錄影片(您需同意大會才能接受您的稿件) – True 演講摘要

一直以來很多教學都跟你說:要架 Web Server 先裝 Ubuntu、要玩機器學習先裝 Ubuntu、要搞容器化先裝 Ubuntu、要幹大事先裝 Ubuntu...可是你知道 Ubuntu 是什麼嗎?對他有多瞭解?這是一個針對新手的 Ubuntu 介紹,讓大家可以更瞭解 Ubuntu 是什麼/怎麼來/能做什麼?


What is Ubuntu? Is it good to eat? An introduction about Ubuntu for newbie

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