COSCUP x RubyConf TW 2021

Learning go error handling design from open source
07-31, 10:40–11:10 (Asia/Taipei), TR209
Language: 漢語

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Learning go error handling design from open source

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go 的錯誤處理上一直被大家所抱怨, 但是回歸到開發本身, 錯誤處理的設計議題卻常常被忽略, 讓我們以 Dave 的文章 "Don’t just check errors, handle them gracefully" 爲基礎, 學習開源專案怎麼做錯誤處理設計

- 快速複習 errors API
- standard library 如何減少錯誤處理的程式碼
- errors 的種類, 以及針對不同層級 package 的應用
- 開源專案的錯誤處理設計

English Abstract

We love to complain about Go's error handling, but ignore to discuss how to design it well. Let's start from Dave's amazing article "Don’t just check errors, handle them gracefully" and study Go's error handling design in open source projects

- quick go through errors API
- how standard library eliminate lines for error handling
- categories of errors, and how to use them in different scenarios
- error handling design in open source projects

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