COSCUP x RubyConf TW 2021

零時小學校 2021 社群自學之路
07-31, 12:20–12:50 (Asia/Taipei), TR313
Language: 漢語

Translate Title

Sch001 2021: Road of Community Self-learning

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零時小學校是聚焦在教育的 g0v 專案,旨在推廣資訊科技、分析問題和協作分工的概念,只要是有心學習的人,都可以站上自學和共學的起點,開啟專案參與的旅程!專案英文名稱「Sch001」將代表數位原生世代的「0」與「1」放入代表教育的「學校(School)」,期待可以此代表教育與數位社群的連結與協作,一起從零思考教育。

零時小學校在 2021 年有兩個全新專案:「Code for Sch001ing:g0v 源力增能營」與「零時小學校學生時數系統共筆」,也將會是我們在 COSCUP 分享的內容。

「Code for Sch001ing:g0v 源力增能營」:零時小學校 2021 年將在全國高中/大學辦理六場營隊,邀請 g0v 社群資深參與者來跟大家分享「自主學習」的經驗與「專案跨領域合作」的方法,營隊中,我們分享 g0v 貢獻者如何運用協作工具、開放資料、開源專案成果,不斷自學與共學的方法,讓學生可以跟 g0v 貢獻者學習第一手協作技能。(詳細請至

「零時小學校學生時數系統共筆」:零時小學校在今年預計將與 g0ver John Huang 和日本 Code for Japan、韓國 Code for Korea 合作「時數系統」專案,讓零時小學校的營隊學生和專案參與者,都可以將上課或貢獻專案的時數登錄在系統上,並可輸出時數證明,讓你在社群的貢獻可以被看見。(詳細請至

English Abstract

Sch001 is a g0v project focused on education, which aims to promote the concepts of information technology, problem analysis, and co-working. Anyone who is willing to learn can start from the point of self-learning and co-learning and start the journey of project participation! The English name of the project "Sch001" puts the "0" and "1" representing the digital native generation in the "School" representing education. It is hoped that this can represent the connection and collaboration between education and the digital community, and think about education from zero together.

Sch001 has two new projects in 2021: "Code for Sch001ing: g0v Camp" and "Sch001 Learning Certification System", which will also be the content we share in COSCUP.

About the Sch001, please see our website: