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Oracle MySQL Operator for Kubernetes new feature update
07-31, 11:45–12:15 (Asia/Taipei), TR310-1
Language: English

The MySQL Operator for Kubernetes is an operator for managing MySQL InnoDB Cluster setups inside a Kubernetes Cluster developed by Oracle MySQL. It manages the full lifecycle with set up and maintenance that includes automating upgrades and backup. This MySQL Operator is already GA since April-2022. This session will provide insight on new features and how to use the operator to run InnoDB Cluster on Kubernetes related to installation, InnoDB Cluster characteristic on Kubernetes using this operator, upgrades, Private registry, etc.

Many developers are looking to have their applications and the data layers organized on the same fast deployment and automation principles offered by Kubernetes. However, deploying and managing an MySQL InnoDB Cluster in a containerized environment can be a bit lengthy and complicated task due to various resources involved in the configuration, while using operators will let a Kubernetes user securely deploy and easily manage InnoDB Cluster databases in a custom resource definition. The operator will manage the full life cycle that include automate upgrades and backup. Oracle MySQL Operator for Kubernetes recently went GA. This 30 mins talk will provide explanation on what are inside the GA release of this operator.

Target Audience

MySQL DBA, Cloud Native Architect and Engineer




Hananto is a Principal Solution Engineer from Oracle MySQL, living in Singapore. He is a database practitioner with 20+ years of professional experience, mainly in Oracle database and MySQL. He has expertise and experience on running MySQL on container-driven environment, such as Kubernetes. He conducted POCs, webinar, and hands-on training about various aspect of MySQL InnoDB Cluster on Kubernetes, such as deployment, monitoring, backup and recovery, scaling, etc.

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