2022-07-31 –, RB105
Language: 漢語
Disfactory 農地違章工廠回報系統為地球公民基金會來 g0v 黑客松提案的專案,從 NGO 倡議的需求出發,三年來從零開始開發網站地圖回報介面、管理回報資料和公文的後台、專案 landing page、大家來找廠衛星空照圖比對小遊戲,每週約有 10 位活躍參與者,包括工程師、設計師、NGO 研究員與產品經理,前後共有超過 70 位貢獻者。開發過程中一直在思考通用性架構與客製化需求之間的平衡,如何維持開源社群專案的歡樂和創造力、如何讓科技平台在社會議題倡議發揮影響力、如何讓程式碼和資料開放更方便社群使用、如何讓利害關係人參與產品設計和提升使用者體驗、如何不重複打造輪子。這個過程中也包括了與 NGO 工作者的文化磨合,以及開發工作模式的拉扯,這樣跟組織合作的開源社群專案可以長出什麼協作模式?這次希望能夠分享我們跌跌撞撞的經驗,以及跟更多開源專案學習討教。
Project Intro:https://english.cw.com.tw/article/article.action?id=2982
在 g0v 專案當 PM — 開源社群與 NGO 的混亂有序開放協作|Disfactory 農地違章工廠回報系統
https://aelcenganda.medium.com/open-source-civic-tech-product-manager-in-disfactory-with-ngo-f40d050f886b -
牧貓人 —— g0v 混亂有序開放協作專案管理 | g0v summit 2020
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQYmkLYCKuI -
TICTeC Show & Tell - Disfactory: mapping and reporting illegal factories in Taiwan
Yun Chen is an active g0v participant that wants to build digital solutions for open and collaborative civic participation with open source communities. She has been serving as product manager in “Disfactory”, a report platform on illegal factories on the farmlands, “Herstory in East Asia” and “Libot”, a LINE bot for Village Chiefs to report damages in the city.
Yun was the project manager of g0v Civic Tech Prototype Grant working with g0v Hackathon Organizer (Jothon) team and the product manager of sense.tw, an issue-policy mapping tool. She was also the PR lead of g0v Summit 2018.