Sandro Pinto

SANDRO PINTO is an Associate Research Professor at the University of Minho, Portugal. He holds a Ph.D. in Electronics and Computer Engineering. Sandro has a deep academic background and several years of industry collaboration focusing on operating systems, virtualization, and security for embedded, cyber-physical, and IoT-based systems. He has published 60+ scientific papers in top-tier conferences/journals (e.g., IEEE S&P, Usenix Security, IEEE IoT Journal, etc) and is a skilled presenter with speaking experience in several academic and industrial conferences (RISC-V Summit, Embedded World, Black Hat,, etc). Sandro is a long-term supporter of open source projects and is currently helping several companies and institutions to make security practical at scale.


All you ever wanted to know about open source RISC-V Virtualization (but no one ever told you)
Sandro Pinto, José Martins

n this talk, Dr. Sandro Pinto and Jose Martins will start by covering the RISC-V hypervisor extension and discuss the implementation of this extension in two different RISC-V cores: Rocket and CVA6. They will then describe the port of the Bao hypervisor for RISC-V and explain all the building blocks required to build a full virtualized RISC-V system.

System Software