
Disaster Recovery on HA with MySQL InnoDB ClusterSet
07/31, 10:55–11:35 (Asia/Taipei), TR310-1
言語: English

MySQL InnoDB ClusterSet extends the capability of MySQL InnoDB Cluster to support multi-data center by linking primary InnoDB Cluster to one or more InnoDB Cluster replica through asynchronous replication to maximize disaster tolerance. This session will discuss the origin of MySQL InnoDB ClusterSet, the use cases, how to setup and configure, how to operate and connect from application through MySQL Router, as well as discussing some disaster recovery scenario with the InnoDB ClusterSet.

This session will talk about the feature of InnoDB ClusterSet, how to leverage InnoDB Cluster to support transparent, 0 data loss failover between database instances in the same data center, and I will also share with the audience how to replicate data between two data centers, and how InnoDB ClusterSet supports disaster recovery transparently when the primary center is down

Proposal Type

45 分鐘演講

Way to participate


Talk Length (30/45/90 mins)

45 分鐘

Target Audience

DAB, Architect, Developer




Hananto is a Principal Solution Engineer from Oracle MySQL, living in Singapore. He is a database practitioner with 20+ years of professional experience, mainly in Oracle database and MySQL. He has expertise and experience on running MySQL on container-driven environment, such as Kubernetes. He conducted POCs, webinar, and hands-on training about various aspect of MySQL InnoDB Cluster on Kubernetes, such as deployment, monitoring, backup and recovery, scaling, etc.

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