開源人年會 2022


Christoph Ono

UX designer contributing to the bitcoin ecosystem. Website.


30 分鐘
Open design panel at COSCUP 2022
Christoph Ono

Open design panel at COSCUP 2022
June 3, 2022
This is a proposal for the Open Design track at COSCUP 2022 for a 30-minute panel discussion.
To share personal experiences and insights from different designers about their experience in open-source. This may help other designers better understand what the opportunities and difficulties are.
Open Design: Stories from the trenches
We invite several designers on the stage and learn about their personal journeys, problems they have faced, what gets them excited every day, and their perspectives on open-source. After 20 minutes of discussion, we will open the floor up to questions.
All participants are experienced designers active in the open-source space, each with a different background. This list might change based on availability and in order to ensure we have a diverse set of designers.

Christoph Ono
Stephen DeLorme
Conor Okus
Edward Pratt

30 分鐘
Supporting open design in bitcoin
Christoph Ono

“Design bitcoin for everyone”. That is the tagline of the Bitcoin Design Community, which formed in the middle of 2020. It is an open community with the goal of making bitcoin more intuitive and accessible. Our central community project is the Bitcoin Design Guide, which is full of best practices and references to help both designers and developers create better bitcoin experiences faster. We also work to promote the idea of open design, to bring more designers and other contributors into the space, help open-source projects adopt better design processes, and create more inclusive outcomes. This presentation will provide an overview of community efforts, practical stories of what has worked and what hasn’t, where we are, and what the future might hold.
