開源人年會 2022


What for, Where and How to Adopt MIDI 2.0
年7月30日, 14:50–15:20 (Asia/Taipei), RB105
語言: English

Discuss what MIDI 2.0 achieves, what was already achieved before MIDI 2.0, and how we can use MIDI 2.0 in our music software world.

MIDI 2.0 specification was finalized in early 2020, and it has been slowly getting adopted in our music technology ecosystem. MIDI is still alive, but there are various technical elements that were replaced by newer alternatives. For example, we don't distribute MIDI files as our music production anymore. You would be unsure where and how MIDI is still used.

Also - will MIDI 2.0 bring things back to MIDI? Is it worth? Aren't everyone using VST or AudioUnit nowadays? There aren't really MIDI 2.0 hardware devices as of Spring 2022. But - MIDI 2.0 is a thing over there too, and there are actually certain adoption of MIDI 2.0 in the software stacks that you would not be aware of. It would be good to observe the state of the union.

Through the session you would find -

  • Review what MIDI (1.0) was really about, and what replaced it.
  • Understand what MIDI 2.0 brings and which problems it tries to resolve.
  • What Universal MIDI Packet is, and how capable it is.
  • How MIDI 2.0 is embraced so far.

Target audiences would be those who are interested in audio and music software, especially in open and non-proprietary standards.


Those who are interested in audio and music software, especially in open and non-proprietary standards. Basic understanding on how we author music files (e.g. "we use DAWs") would be necessary. Some experience with DAW or MIDI applications would help understanding.





music software tools enthusiast. Android Audio Plugin, Linux, MML, MIDI 1.0/2.0, LV2. music tech meetup Tokyo organizer. ex mono developer.