開源人年會 2022


Rust Async in A Nutshell
年7月31日, 10:35–11:05 (Asia/Taipei), AU視聽館
語言: English

This talk is to introduce the mechanism of async in Rust briefly,
go through popular runtime libraries, and study
as a showcase to build up a tool for async and parallel computing.

The async/.await is a powerful feature in Rust. It enables us to implement
concurrent and multi-task programs with ease.
This talk aims to gently introduce the mechanism under the hood
and to let the audience learn asynchronous programming from scratch.
It will explore code construction based on future and stream,
learn the polling and waker model behind the scenes,
and introduce common-used runtimes, such as tokio and async-std.
Finally, we will overview the par-stream
project to see how asynchronous Rust benefits practical applications.


Anyone in COSCUP



Working on the eclipse project Zenoh. Rust enthusiast who likes to study language design and its applications in various domains.