開源人年會 2022

OSS enthusiast's days at a Japanese security vendor
年7月30日, 13:20–13:50 (Asia/Taipei), TR310-2
語言: 日本語

I am able to influence the people around me with what I have learned through OSS activities while working for a Japanese company. I would like to talk about such daily life.

In Japan, it is difficult to make a living just by liking OSS. Except for those who are very skilled or have good business sense, it is true.
However, in order to make it as an engineer employed by a company in Japan, you should be able to make use of what you have learned in OSS.
In this talk, I will talk about what I learned from OSS and how I am applying it to my job as a security vendor in Japan, as an enthusiast of desktop applications, an OSS that is not considered profitable in Japan and for which I have neither much skill nor business sense.

議程長度 (30/45/90 mins)

30 minutes


Talk (30 mins)


Record participatoin


Who cares about one of the ways of life of OSS enthusiasts.





Naruhiko Ogasawara is an independent FLOSS enthusiast mainly focusing on the desktop ones. He is also an employee of a Japanese security vendor and he is trying to expand FLOSS culture there.