2022年7月30日 –, TR310-2
語言: 日本語
"Captain's log, stardate 41153.7". Stardate is the calendar used in Star Trek. See how Stardate is connected throughout the Star Trek series.
Stardate uses Apache Hop to import into the Neo4j graph database from many StarTrek sites.
Next, add relationships.
Time travel is complicated by multiple Stardate.
There can be multiple Stardate within a single story.
This graph should help you understand how Stardate work.
Now you are one of the Trekkies.
30 minutes
投稿類型:Talk (30 mins)
呈現方式:Record participatoin
目標聽眾族群:People who like Star Trek, time travel and graph theory.
youtube_link:Koji Annoura has over 40 years of experience as a full-stack developer. He has been working with Agile software development since 2009 and is one of the founders of the "Neo4j Users Group Tokyo" inツJapan. And He also founder of the "Apache Hop User Group Japan" since 2021. He has been involved in the agile transformation of many companies and teams, and has been involved in the implementation of agile and scrum. He is one of the authors of "The Practical Guide to MacOS X Server".