開源人年會 2022

透過 AWS SCT 與 DMS 從 MySQL 微痛移植到 PostgreSQL
年7月30日, 10:40–11:10 (Asia/Taipei), TR310-1
語言: 漢語


1. Intro

  • Who
  • Why
  • What (will & will NOT be included in the talk)

2. Intro - AWS

  • SCT
  • DMS

3. How we approached the migration

  • Context
  • What
    • Legacy system
  • Why
    • The reason why we needed the migration
    • To ensure legacy system's usability while migrating features to the new system
    • For Ecto's multi-schema TX
  • How - initial plannings
  • Issues we faced during the migration
  • View's dependency hell
  • Broken views and functions
  • Final plan

4. Pour closure

  • What we achieved
    • Migrated PostgreSQL DB fully-fledged with data
    • Low downtime
  • What we could have done better

5. Q & A


People in need of or interested in heterogeneous DB migration



A web developer who love to tinker with stuff