Creating a Sustainable Supply Chain in the Network Industry
2024-11-18 10:30-11:00 (Africa/Abidjan), Auditorium

In response to increasing regulatory pressures, major telecommunications providers have begun to measure and report their carbon footprints. However, this initial step is just the beginning of a complex journey toward achieving sustainability. One of the most significant challenges these companies face is addressing Scope 3 emissions, which are generated by their supply chains and lie outside their direct control.

In this presentation, I will discuss the current state of sustainability efforts within the telecom industry, with a particular focus on the intricacies of reducing Scope 3 emissions. Rather than offering quick fixes, I will explore practical approaches companies can consider, such as switching to more sustainable suppliers, collaborating closely with existing suppliers, and gradually introducing contractual clauses that emphasize sustainability.

Attendees will gain a realistic understanding of the challenges involved and will be introduced to strategies that can help their organizations begin the process of reducing their supply chain's carbon footprint. This discussion aims to provide a balanced view, emphasizing that while these steps are crucial, they require time, commitment, and a willingness to engage in long-term efforts.

See also: Creating a Sustainable Supply Chain in the Network Industry (5.0 MB)

Nicol Nógrádi is the Account and Sustainability Manager at and has been an integral part of shaping the company's environmental goals from the start. She is deeply committed to making Internet connectivity more sustainable for everyone.