
Gabriele Bartolini

Gabriele, a co-founder of 2ndQuadrant and open-source advocate, has been instrumental in PostgreSQL's global growth. Focused on enhancing business continuity for large-scale databases, he has championed stateful workloads in cloud-native environments since 2019. As a co-founder and maintainer of CloudNativePG, PostgreSQL Contributor, and Data on Kubernetes (DoK) Ambassador, he actively shapes PostgreSQL's evolution in Cloud Native environments. Currently, he is a VP at EDB.


Cloud-Native Databases in Kubernetes with OpenShift and Postgres
Torsten Steinbach, Michael St-Jean, Gabriele Bartolini

PostgreSQL is this incredible open-source gem that’s been shaking up the database management scene for a cool couple of decades now. Shaped by the genius mind of database science legend Michael R. Stonebraker, it has blossomed into one of the world’s go-to database management systems, loved in both virtualized and bare-metal setups.
The Kubernetes/PostgreSQL/CloudNativePG open-source stack on OpenShift provides unparalleled freedom of choice, mitigating the risk of vendor lock-in across various dimensions:
- Choose between on-premise, public cloud, hybrid cloud, or multi-cloud OpenShift deployment.
- Opt for OpenShift clusters managed internally or by third-party OpenShift aaS providers such as AWS, Azure, Google, or IBM Cloud Paks
- Decide on self-managed PostgreSQL or enlist support from external organizations.
- Embrace “vanilla” Kubernetes, OpenShift or opt for other third-party Kubernetes distributions.
- Build and deploy Enterprise applications with highest qualities of service for HA, DR, Scale and Security, RPO and RTO
- Combine with OpenShift AI to build and run modern AI solutions with Postgres, e.g. using pgvector for RAG patterns

The power to make these choices is now in your hands.

Cloud, Hybrid Cloud, and Hyperscale Infrastructure
Metcalf Small Ballroom (capacity 100)