
Containerization Guild Gathering
08-14, 17:30–19:30 (US/Eastern), Metcalf Hall (capacity 300)

A gathering is an informal space for individual contributors in or adjacent to a specialized and timely topic to share (not critique or evaluate) ideas that are in progress or perhaps should be.
We want to see new and experienced speakers, alike. If you have been working on something in the realm of containers, submit a talk!

The format
* Each speaker has 10 minutes to share an idea.
* Ideas can be big or small. It can be show-and-tell of a personal project or a loosely sketched out paradigm shift.
* The speaker will indicate their desired next steps at the end, which can range from organizing a dedicated breakout session to a no-op.

Gathering Etiquette
* All participants should help speakers feel heard by giving speakers their full attention.
* We are all working towards building a shared vision and a shared understanding. This is not the time to work through implementation details or identify risks. Positive vibes only.

Info for potential speakers (that's you!)
* Each speaker represents themselves, unless otherwise specified.
* Sharing an idea is not a commitment to implementing the idea.
* Due to the informal nature of the gathering, there will not be an opportunity to use slides. But feel free to get creative!
* Limit your talk to 10 minutes.

We will allocate time on a first-come, first-serve basis. Although we do not curate the talks, we will ensure that topics pertain to the containerization space.

Director of Software Engineering, Global, Red Hat In Vehicle Operating System and Edge.

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