
In pursuit of maximum change velocity: Thinking like a site reliability engineer to improve CI
08-15, 10:40–11:15 (US/Eastern), East Balcony (capacity 80)

Site reliability engineers have long known the benefits of balancing risk with measurable objectives. Come hear how OpenShift engineers at Red Hat have applied the core principles of SRE to continuous integration at massive scale. Learn how to adopt the pieces of it that make sense for your team.

You'll find this talk most interesting if some of the following are true:

  • You've been pressured to merge a feature and deliver the tests later
  • You have more data coming out of CI than you know what to do with
  • You live in the real world where integration and systems tests fail seemingly at random
See also: slides (4.0 MB)

I'm a husband and father of four children. My eighteen+ year career at Red Hat has spanned test automation, development, DevOps, release engineering and management. I'm thankful I get to use and create open source software every day.