
Building the Responsible Workforce of Tomorrow through PIT
08-16, 13:25–14:00 (US/Eastern), Terrace Lounge (capacity 48)

Public Interest Technology (PIT) is an emerging field that asks us to create technical solutions that center the lives of people, equity, inclusion, and accountability to address pressing problems. While many technical solutions have been suggested for the problems our communities face, successful technical solutions will need to include PIT values to better society. Public Interest Technology - New England (PIT-NE) is a new consortium that brings together leaders from academia, industry, government, and non-profits to co-design solutions and create programming to teach fundamental PIT skills to the workforce of tomorrow to ensure technology is used for good.

This interactive talk will introduce the practice of PIT and how everyone can critically assess technology's ethical and social implementation across all sectors. We will also look at a case study of a summer program where undergraduate students from across the region come together to design solutions for project partners while learning PIT skills. While PIT continues to grow, all technologists can learn how to approach problems like a public interest technologist to ensure technology works to serve and protect those who use it by delivering better outcomes.

See also: Building the Responsible Workforce of Tomorrow through PIT Slides (1.3 MB)

Colette Basiliere is the Executive Director of Public Interest Technology - New England, a consortium of leaders from academia, government, non-profits, and the private sector who are passionate about building and growing a responsible workforce that can use technology to solve our community's pressing issues. Colette received her Master's in Computer Science from UMass Amherst and has previously worked as a software engineering in the biotech industry.