DevFest Berlin 2024

Native GUIs For All
2024-11-23 , Tresor

Traditionally native GUIs are highly platform dependent and often specific for one programming language.
In this talk we will explore a way to create GUI applications that supports virtually all platforms and any programming language.
It is very effective and easy to use, too.

The Fyne app development framework supports virtually all platforms (Windows, macOS, Linux, FreeBSD, Android, iOS and the web).
But it can be used only with the Go programming language. We will look at a small project that builds on top of Fyne and opens it up to any programming language.
The GUI itself doesn't have to be programmed at all but is only described in a specialized but flexible UI description language that is easier to read and more concise than HTML.
The visual appearance can be influenced with a theme configuration.
Communication between the GUI part and the application logic can be done with standard I/O. So even bash scripts can be used for GUI applications. Examples will be in Python and bash.
This is especially interesting for DevOps people or anybody who automates stuff to 99% but needs some consent or information from a human from time to time.

Ole is a backend engineer since the nineties.
He has been working for many companies big and small and
seen many projects fail or succeed.
He loves to be part of the global Go community and working on
projects that make the world a better place.
In his spare time he is co-organising the Berlin chapter of GDG Golang,
develops open source software and enjoys time with his family.