DjangoCon US 2023

Managing Content with Django
2023-10-17 , Grand Ballroom II-III

Explore options for building Django-based content-managed websites that editors will love. Learn about the features and patterns necessary for content editing and how they are supported in Django-land. Gain the knowledge to select the best Django-driven CMS for their next project.

Django is used to power lots of high-traffic, content-driven websites. It’s a great fit, providing features that help quickly scaffold data-rich systems with slick editing. But the admin isn’t powerful enough to make managing rich content super user-friendly. Luckily, Djangonauts have some solid solutions for building excellent content-managed websites. This talk explores Wagtail, django CMS, and other options and helps developers pick the right tool for their next project.

Michael has been designing and building content-managed websites for nearly 20 years. He enjoys creating delightfully effective user experiences to solve big problems.