Eva Nanyonga

Eva is a software developer with a passion for system design. She has been using Django professionally for the last 2 years where she has implemented inventory and financial ledger systems.

Outside of her professional role, Eva is a community leader with the Pyladies Kampala Community, where she regularly organises events, coaches at community meetups, and mentors other minority groups in the community.
In addition to that, she has also spoken at various international events like the inaugural DjangoCon Africa where she spoke about testing external apis as well as PyCon ZA where she led a tutorial on open source contributions.
Eva is also a contributing member to the Django Framework.



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Only reliable Data: Protecting Database Integrity
Eva Nanyonga

Whilst developing financial and transactional systems, database integrity is a critical aspect ensuring trust, reliability, and accuracy.

While developing a Ledger system, I discovered that whereas immutability of transactions is an intrinsically obvious practice among database engineering folk, it has to be an intentional action in Software Development practice. This talk explores the concept of database integrity within this context, highlighting key principles and practices that safeguard data consistency, accuracy, and reliability using the django ORM.

Grand Ballroom III