Álvaro Justen
Álvaro Justen, also known as @turicas, is a Brazilian programmer, teacher, and entrepreneur. Started programming at age of 14 and been working with Python since 2005. Founder of Brasil.IO, a platform for accessible open data, he is an activist for free/libre software and open data and has organized important events in local communities, such as PythonBrasil8 (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2012) and PythonQuito (Ecuador, 2016), also volunteered as the coordinator for collecting the open Brazilian COVID-19 dataset in 2020/21, at a time when the Federal Government was hiding data.
Álvaro is the founder and technical leader of PythonicCafé, a company that develops various projects for capturing and analyzing open data in Brazil, and teaches in the master's program for data journalism at Insper (São Paulo, Brazil). When not programming or teaching, he enjoys traveling, tasting, and roasting specialty coffees.
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