2024-09-24 –, Grand Ballroom III
Keeping in mind the Pythonic principle that “simple is better than complex” we'll see how to create a web map with the Python based web framework Django using its GeoDjango module, storing geographic data in your local database on which to run geospatial queries.
A map in a website is the best way to make geographic data easily accessible to users because it represents, in a simple way, the information relating to a specific geographical area and is used by many online services.
In this talk, we'll see how to create a web map with the Python based web framework Django using its GeoDjango module, storing geographic data in your local database on which to run geospatial queries.
Through this talk, you can learn how to add a map to your website, starting from a simple map based on Spatialite/SQLite up to a more complex and interactive map based on PostGIS/PostgreSQL.
The talk will be structured like a hike in the mountains, it will start gradually and then increase in difficulty, stopping in key passages and then arriving at the final goal.
I’m a longtime Python backend developer who contributes to the Django project and gives talks at tech conferences.
I’ve been a GNU/Linux user for over 20 years, and I use and promote Free Software.
I graduated in Software Engineering, and I’m an alumnus of the University of Bologna, Italy.