Django + Alpine.js + htmx Ups & Downs
2024-09-24 , Junior Ballroom

Alpine.js and htmx have been creating quite a flurry of excitement in the Django community for a few years now. How is this toolset combination holding up in the light of some years of real project experience? Come to our talk to learn the impact this toolset has had on our productivity.

A few years ago we started to hear about the toolkits htmx and Alpine.js as a powerful combination that could be used with Django to enable development of web applications that offer user experience akin to a single page application without the overhead of adopting a heavyweight front-end framework such as React. We were excited by the promise and adopted these tools in a few projects. In this talk we'll cover:

  • The promise we saw in this tool combination
  • The upside: examples of exciting wins in ways of using these tools that we recommend continuing
  • The downside: some rough edges and areas of concern where we recommend caution
  • Our overall assessment and plans regarding continued use of this combination

Karen has been working on building, maintaing, and enhancing Django applications for herself and others for over 15 years. She enjoys writing solid code that stands the test of time. Karen has worked for Caktus Group since 2010.