Drupal Mountain Camp 2024

Ivica Puljic

As a seasoned Drupal developer, I dabble in both frontend and backend wonders. Juggling contributions and maintenance for various Drupal modules keeps me on my toes. Beyond Drupal, I'm captivated by all things web development, especially in the realms of component-oriented design and crafting user-friendly websites. You might catch me exploring UI/UX trends. And hey, I've got a soft spot for the intriguing world of machine learning—always interested, always learning. Alongside the tech adventures, I navigate project and team management waters and harbor a side interest in product and business development.

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Unlocking Advanced Drupal Content Creation with Paragraphs
Ivica Puljic

Dive into Drupal's Paragraphs module advancements. Review new documentation of Paragraphs on drupal.org, crafted for this session. The advanced demonstration covers real-world content, Paragraph types, plugins, theming, and translation. Building on the previous session, explore Paragraphs setup, custom styles, Drupal 10 compatibility, and the latest features. Elevate your content creation with new Paragraphs!

User Experience, Content & Design