Drupal Mountain Camp 2024

Janez Urevc

Janez Urevc, Strategic Growth and Innovation Manager at Tag1 Consulting, has 15+ years of experience building enterprise software projects and leading teams of engineers.

In the past he used to be a part of the team that was building the largest Drupal website at the time, Examiner.com. He also used to lead the Drupal 8 Media initiative, that brought rich media management into Drupal Core.

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Revolutionizing Drupal with Automated Performance Testing: A Deep Dive into Gander, the New Framework
Janez Urevc

We will present Gander, Drupal's new automated performance testing framework. We will explain how Drupal, its developers and the wider community benefit from it. We will also show how anyone can start using it on their projects today.

Innovation & Beyond Drupal