Eclectic Tech Carnival - Fully Booked! Please only come if you are already registered.

Eclectic Tech Carnival 2024 * Fully booked!

/ETC 2024 is fully booked! Please only come if you are already registered.

Feel inspired to help shape /ETC 2025.

a feminist tech skill-share event for and by flinta
June 5 - 9 2024 in Berlin @Heart of Code

We strongly believe that an empowering event is one in which everyone actively contributes to its realization. For this reason, we would love to receive plenty of suggestions for activities, presentations, workshops etc.

Here are examples of activities to give you some ideas

* presentations on basic or advanced Free Software and Open Hardware concepts
* how to use Linux on your laptop        
* workshop on systems administration 
* python, HTML/CSS, rust, or any other programming language 
* demonstration of tools for circumventing censorship and for using the Internet anonymously 
* a command line workshop
* a poetics of encryption activity
* a code editor workshop, e.g vim or emacs 
* what is encryption and how can you use it with files, email or in specific scenarios 
* introduction to security tools and software 
* workshop about any skill you would like to share, whether it is soldering, soap making or health tracking
* sex toy hacking and making
* talk on recent politics of state or commercial surveillance
* artistic performances of every kind: from video art, sound performances, net art and digital poetry to acrobatics and singing 
* feminist critiques on contemporary technological development and its discontents 
* presentations/ discussions to reflect on issues of feminisms, activisms and technologies,
* visions and narratives for a better future based on solidarity and community
* feminist city walks
* practices of activists health: morning yoga, lunch choir, evening walk and other things to get some time away from the screen
* further planning of the revolution

Feel free to experiment with creative ways of sharing your skills and knowledge: we are only waiting to be amazed by your ideas! This event is based on peer-to-peer learning and sharing.

Hack it furiously! Build it curiously!

This Call for Papers closed on 2024-04-15 12:00 (Europe/Berlin).