08.06.2024 –, NewYorck Room 1
Sprache: English
Queering Bash is a artistic/technical manual and poetry making, focusing on learning code
otherwise. This workshop will introduce the UNIX philosophy from a queer critical perspective, questioning the gender-normativity embedded in years of free software development. Bash is a command line interface and a scripting language developed in 1989 as a piece of free software for UNIX Systems (Linux and Mac OS but it has been also ported to Windows) and it is a very useful program for system administration, file management, generating reports and automating tasks.
During the workshop, we will go through a cultural introduction about Unix in general, and
more specifically about Bash and how it interacts with the computer's internals, aka the Operating System (OS).
We will follow by hands-on activities where participants will work with the terminal, in pairs,
groups or alone to write and create their queer love letter in bash that addresses
various forms of desires, intimacies and struggles as a way to re-imagine what our
relationship with the machines we use might look like.
Was sollte man zur Session mitbringen?:laptops, ideas for love letter
Mara Karagianni is a software artist and developer. Their work involves computational
and analog media for publishing, generative zines with Python programming, and writing
about gender issues around Free and Open Source Software communities. They are part of
Systerserver, a feminist queer server collective.
Winnie Soon is a Hong Kong-born artist coder and researcher interested in the cultural implications of digital infrastructure that addresses wider power asymmetries with a particular interest in computational publishing, code and software. Their artistic and scholarly works engage with themes such as Free and Open Source Culture, Coding Otherwise, artistic/technical manuals, digital censorship and minor technology. With works appearing in museums, galleries, festivals, distributed networks, papers and alternative written forms, including co-authored books titled Boundary Images (2023), Fix My Code (2021), and Aesthetic Programming (2020). Winnie is the co-editor of the Software Studies Book Series (MIT Press), Co-PI of the research project Digital Activism and co-research lead, British Digital Art, British Art Network. Artistically, Winnie received the Golden Nica at Ars Electronica (Artificial Intelligence and Life Art Category), the Expanded Media Award for Network Culture at Stuttgarter Filmwinter — Festival for Expanded Media, WRO 2019 Media Art Biennale Award, and the 26th and 17th ifva awards (Special Mention and Silver award). Currently, they are Associate Professor of Art and Technology at UCL - Slade School of Fine Art, Associate Professor (on leave) at Aarhus University and visiting researcher at the Centre of the Study of the Networked Image (CSNI), London South Bank University. More info: www.siusoon.net